she landed arole as Roxy Hart n Made forthis blond, keggy, cheeky danachirah or an Aiza who's pretty and fair skinned and I'n just like.was fim to play. The whole pount of acting is to not be who youthe character and the stage does that-the lights. the guess with these na shakal na srat wall lamdf roles, I fit right iIdthe makeup. On stage with a live audience, I feel so hap. because I'm duk,"she laughsjust have to love bar for thost talked about thing in town The thing about Samam is that just wben you think you have fig-for months. She went on to play Rosie in Mamma Mia. alongside ured ber out, -just when you think you can put her in that liberal-indkependenM-wonn box, she suprises you. "I want to be anTheatre may be ber passion. but in Pakistan, television is where all I love babies "She says her prayers five times a day and fasts rfortunes are made and lost. Sanam's first play Saath was a sitcom keeps with ber on set or on the go. "To each their own.I'dnewmly tells me. "I love Raneaan. I loveHw出M展the solida iy tha mod of s are doinguch hke F RIEN D. S-Whitten by Mashal Peerzada and pro- best islamiyat teacher n the whole world. "Sanmrecalks "she hadhair, wore green nul polish, smoked her cigs, drank her coffee如如p由(m时Mm如如rituals I had to do and ifI didn't, I was a bad person. She justSbe'd say, "You have a direct mmber to God-just dial知(m如mmhtjacket. It was very dtticlt二JZSCderstand anything and whenwithherownmariage. "She has made a concious decision to take I raised my hand to ask a quetion y teacher would complainTblic awareness to social issues such as domestic was driiolence. female empowerment and educationRecognise the need of having a good teacher and especially onewhich is already a huge success. Written by Umea Ahmed and,"Tano Zaen Par, it really openedves. It exposed a lot of faults in the education systen and Iarob Fawad Khan and has shunned fans and crities alike with her realised dhat's whatI wanted to do."Sanam wants todo her Mastersacting. Her expressions are so spot on and her acting so intense that in chld development and edationMT如动如m如d邮删mugho bohat ac lag. She stayed in my mind and when Umen mmts are strong enough on their ownbe perfect for the role. "Sultana speaks of Sanan with great affee. Sanam Saeed is beyoud labels. She's just a refreshingly rare ex-tiom. She says"She is avery good human being and is an exellent ample of a woman comfortable in her own skim-passionate but-abf boat Mt bod jatt hal, "she says as she""Sanam is extremely professionalreligious. She has so may exceptional ualities, but the bestand helpful with new coners Mhay boh acha lagta hai jab kod thing about her is that she's not stopping ay time sooba to bamn sangha. If everyone in the industry was as punctualand professional it would make work mch easier and better"I wnte this piece, my conversation with Sultan Siddiqui reso-an my mind I wish more women in Pakistan were like Sanam.NE